Change Log

**  Version 1.4.1  **
- Check for empty field on the last field
- Fix style conflicts with additional Gravity Forms themes

***  Version 1.4  ***
New Feature:
- Radio/Checkbox choices: Added option to use different column numbers for smaller screens

- Fix: Some isolated forms didn't start after updates in other plugins
- Fix: Remove phantom stars behind star rating fields when using custom icons/images
- Improved in the way multi-input date fields are shown
- Improved name field mobile view
- Improved overall plugin internationalization capabilities
- Remove duplicate icons in Theme Customization options

*** Version 1.3.6 ***
New Feature:
- Form option: Control transition speed for all transitions
- Form option: Control scroll speed
- Add alt text to choice images
- Admin: Added a button to clear Splash Image

- Fixed a bug in non-AJAX forms where active field did not change to the first error field on validation
- Removed duplicate element ID warnings for better accessibility
- Improved datepicker sizing on very small screens
- Fixed validation messages CSS in legacy markup
- Fix bug: Remove empty box at validation when in Legacy mode
- Fixed an issue where validation popup didn't show on some fullscreen forms
- Improved performance
- Admin: Improved UI for Splash Image

*** Version 1.3.5 ***
- Fixed an issue where settings would not properly save after updating to Gravity Forms 2.5.15

*** Version 1.3.4 ***
- Fixed an issue where theme presets were not loading in some configurations
- Fixed an issue where some theme customization options were not reflected
- Fix duplicated icon button when Styles Pro and Supercharge are both activated for a form
- Fixed an issue where icon previews were not working as expected on the Form Editor
- Improvements in Frame Styles for Radio and Checkbox options
- Improved the way Styles Pro theme is disabled on a Supercharged form
- Improved admin styling

*** Version 1.3.3 ***
- Fixed an issue where legacy inline customizations won't load
- Fixed a CSS issue with columns in Legacy styles

*** Version 1.3.2 ***
- Improvements in Form Editor Styles
- Fixed an issue where Isolated template and popups were not working after a GF update

*** Version 1.3.1 ***
- Avoid Fatal Error when used with older versions of Gravity Forms in some cases
- Fixed an issue with Background image option in Theme Customization Options
- Apply theme color changes to (Required) marker in the field label

***  Version 1.3  ***
- Complete compatibility for GF 2.5
- Several new features in Theme Customization options
- Refactored CSS for new GF 2.5 markup and base CSS
- Added new customization focused Modernized CSS
- Improvements in Frame styles
- Overhauled Theme Customization options
- Overhauled Styles Pro Settings for forms
- Overhauled Footer Styles
- Added support for Legacy markup
- Upgraded themes' CSS to support new customizations
- Several CSS and JS improvements throughout the add-on
- Update Plugin Page styles

*** Version 1.2.3 ***
- Fix: Double clicking on buttons selects text
- Fix: Scroll bug in lengthy horizontal forms
- Fix: Bug where the radio field's 'Other' option forwards the field

*** Version 1.2.2 ***
New Feature:
- Form option: Auto-focus first field
- 'Check required field' support for complex fields
- Resume scroll position after popup is closed

- 'Enter' to continue from Splash field
- Chosen select width sometimes exceeded the container
- Select field not automatically focused on active field change

Live Merge Tags:
- Added support for Splash field

***  Version 1.2  ***
New Feature:
- Submit button:
  - Attach to the Last filed
  - Detached submit field (as before; default)
- 3 New animations options for field transitions:
  - Defocus
  - Zoom in
  - Zoom out
- Form option: Disable auto-proceed for radio fields
- Support for Conditionally hidden submit button
- Remove 'Back' button from the first field
- Replace 'Next' button with Submit button in Controls bar when on the last field
- Check on required: Added support for HTML5 email field

- Live Merge Tags:
  - Support for dynamically populated fields

- Improved scroll animation
- Improvements in how tab indexes of navigation buttons are handled
- Other CSS and performance improvements

*** Version 1.1.4 ***
New Features:
- Added support for Save/Resume forms

- *IMPORTANT: Fixed WordPress 5.6 issues
- Better image sizing for merge tag images
- Added 'Check required field' support for File Upload field
- Improvements in datepicker styles
- Gravity Flow: Remove Supercharge from Gravity Flow Entries pages
- Minor CSS improvements

*** Version 1.1.3 ***
- Exclude Splash image from W3TC Cache's lazy load
- Make 0% on progress bars better visible

*** Version 1.1.2 ***
- Embed script wasn't working on some browsers
- Fix spacing for password strength meter
- Added criterea for scripts to be allowed in Isolation Mode

*** Version 1.1.1 ***
New Features:
- Live Merge Tags Modifiers

- Fixed an issue where invisible fields were not being removed from navigation in some instances
- Fixed an issue where the validation navigation broke on some sites in non AJAX forms
- Better styling for name fields with a single sub-field
- Improvement in Popup trigger via selector
- Fixed an issue where Google maps auto-complete dropdown wouldn't show
- Redirect the page when using Embed/Popup instead of opening the thank you page within the iframe
- Fixed select box size on smaller screens
- Improved select box caret and padding
- Improved multi-select styling
- Improved a CSS conflict with maximized forms used with some elements of the Divi page builder
- Improved styling for inset icons
- Improved field proceed targeting to avoid interruptions from bad formatting by some themes
- Fixed a bug with while live checking required field in Signature field
- Fixed a bug where Style Selector would not show any options for Survey field
- Several performance improvements
- Added Styles compatibiltiy with Avia/Enfold theme
- Bug: Fixed a warning in PHP 7.4
- Bug: Survey field's Style Selector was empty

***  Version 1.1  ***
New Features:
- Merge tag modifiers to use images/icons from choices on confirmation page *[{FIELD NAME:ID:IMAGE:SIZE}](*
- Disable Maximize in regular embed

- Hide scroll bar when not needed
- First field does not automatically focus on page load
- Better sizing of Submit field
- Avoid multiple event firing after AJAX validation
- Navigation Big Next Prev on Top: Improved style compatibility for the previous button
- Fixed a bug where proceed on complex text field stopped navigation on mobile devices
- Live Merge Tags: Fixed a warning on very old versions of PHP
- Added 'gform_gravityforms' as dependency for the main script

*** Version 1.0.4 ***
- Styles: Datepicker in some themes causes maximized forms to hide on Safari iOS
- Fixed a bug where proceed on complex text field stopped navigation on mobile devices

** Version **
- Fixed an issue where invisible fields were not properly hidden when using Horizontal animation

*** Version 1.0.3 ***
New Features:
- Form Setting: Disable auto proceed on Drop Down fields
- RTL Support

- Make the Datepicker popup
- Fixed an issue where Visibility: hidden fields were not skipped
- Fixed CSS bugs with Safari browser

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